If you want to upgrade the fuse panel in your home, contact Harrison Electric. We offer fuse panel and breaker panel replacement for homeowners in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area. Our certified electricians can inspect your panel and make the necessary upgrades so that your electrical system is up to code.
Contact us today if you’d like to schedule a service.
Why Old Fuse Panels Are No Longer Used
A fuse can only handle the amount of amperage that it is rated for. For instance, If a fuse is rated for 15 amps and more than 15 amps passes through the fuse, a thin strip of calibrated metal will vaporize, which eliminates the electrical circuit.
Today, circuit breakers are used in homes instead of fuses. The main reason is that a circuit breaker can be reused. Once a fuse blows, it has to be replaced. Old electric panels contain fuses, which can have problems. A typical 60 amp fuse box might have one 240 volt circuit for an air conditioner or electric range, plus four more fuses for the rest of the wiring in the home. By today’s standards, this setup is insufficient.
Why Should You Replace Your Old Fuse Panel?
An electrical panel is a central point that connects the wires from outside to the wires inside your home. It’s often referred to as the main breaker box or fuse box. The electrical panel needs to replaced or upgraded if it no longer has the capacity to accommodate modern electronics and appliances.
Therefore, you should consider replacing your fuse box with a newer panel for the following reasons:
Fuse panels are outdated. If your house still contains a fuse panel, you should upgrade to a standard breaker panel.
If your home is more than 25 years old, the panel is probably worn out and needs to be replaced. Older panels typically top out at 60 to 100 amps. Today’s homes require at least 150 amps to accommodate most electronics and appliances.
You may notice that the panel stays warm, gives off a burning smell, or trips often.
When the AC or a major appliance turns on, you may notice that the lights flicker. This is a sign of weak panel or loose wiring in the panel.
Harrison Electric Fuse Boxes Upgrade Services
Replacing fuse boxes and repairing electrical panels is no simple task. Even the smallest mistake could result in home damage, personal injury, or worse. Harrison Electric’s certified technicians have the experience and training necessary to replace any type of old fuse box with an electric panel that will adequately power your entire home.
Our service includes:
- Troubleshooting electricals panel to identify problems
- Replacing old fuse boxes with circuit breaker panels
- Installing new circuit panels, circuit breaker boxes, and breaker switches
- Increasing the power of electrical systems
- Repairing main circuit breakers and other electrical components
- Installing dedicated systems for high-output devices
Professional Fuse Panel Replacement
If you need to replace your fuse panel with an updated breaker panel, contact Harrison Electric. We offer complete panel replacement, as well as electrical repair and inspections. We can replace your entire wiring system and bring it up to code.
To schedule service, call us today at (763) 544-3300, or you can message us at mail@harrison-electric.com.