The first thing you need to know about electrical code compliance for your home is that you should never work on your house’s electrical system. Government agencies ranging from your local authorities all the way to state officials urge homeowners to hire professional to do the work. State licensed and state-certified electricians should perform all installations, repairs or system replacements for all components on the property.

That being said, if you decide to perform electrical work yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with all state and national codes regarding electrical systems.

What is the National Electric Code (NEC)?

As a homeowner, it is important to be at least aware of city and state codes regarding your home’s electricity even if you don’t have to know every detail. For instance, if you plan to change the main panel in your home, you need to know what the guidelines for placement of the panel and what type of panel you’re allowed to implement.

Where do you find that information? – The National Electric Code. The NEC provides exhaustive and detailed information about the type of components and equipment should be installed into your home. The adequacy of the equipment is determined by how safe it is to operate once connected. Failure to understand the code can lead to disaster including home fire. The code is part of the National Fire Protection Association’s safety guidelines.

What Happens if a Homeowner’s Property Does Not Meet the Code

In many cases, houses can exist for years without anyone including the homeowner knowing that the electrical wiring and other components are either outdated or do not meet state regulations. The truth is the average homeowner has no idea what the codes are and if their home meets them. This is why home inspections are performed during critical moments in a home’s existence. If a home does not pass an electrical home inspection, here are some of the most common consequences:

●        You will not be able to sell your home.

●        Your homeowner’s insurance may not cover damages due to an electrical fire.

●        Your home’s warranty could become null and void.

●        In extreme cases where danger is eminent, your house could be condemned by the state.

●        You could face a penalty or a fine for failure to comply with fire and electrical codes.

●        You could be forced to update your electrical system.

Have Questions? Contact Harrison Electric

If you have any questions about your house’s code compliancy, then contact Harrison Electric. We can perform a complete and detailed inspection of your home to determine what if any parts are not up to code. Give us a call us at 763-544-3300 or send us a message us at