Your home’s service panel may seem overwhelming, but it can easily be upgraded if you contact the right provider. As with most electrical components, your home’s service panel needn’t require intensive insight to repair, upgrade or swap out. That said, you should still know what you’re aiming for.

Before You Choose: Do You Need an Upgrade?

You might be familiar with your home’s service panel, but can you use it for anything other than cutting the power? If you’re looking for a more intuitive panel, consider getting an upgrade. Also, if you’re having electrical problems in the hot months—it might be time for a change-up. Check out these three upgrades.

Upgrade One: New Wiring

Your panel’s connective wiring is extremely important. Unfortunately, a lot of homeowners neglect the wiring because it’s easy to forget about. Over time, however, your wiring can corrode, bend or even break. If you want a new service panel, consider the wiring first.

Upgrade Two: More Power Capabilities

Modern homes use many devices, including computers and high-definition televisions. These devices require a lot of power, and your current service panel may not be able to withstand the requirements. As your home’s technology requirements increase, so will its respective power needs. Check with your electrical provider, and measure your home’s power needs before replacing an obsolete electrical system.

Upgrade Three: Sub Panels

Depending on how your panel operates, you may need to include sub panels into your electrical system. Sometimes, a home’s electrical wiring can’t be adapted to a new panel. This is okay, because an intuitive installment of new wiring, conduits, split circuits and sub panels can keep your home running without being restrictive.

Regardless of your panel upgrade decision, make sure to talk to your electrician first. Harrison Electric is here to help, and we pack all the amenities of a residential electrician while making sure every household receives the commercial attention it deserves. Whether you need to change from fuses to breakers, need a circuit breaker fixed or simply want to upgrade your home’s power capabilities, Harrison Electric is ready to serve. Make sure your home’s electrical system is safe before considering any DIY projects, and always get professional help before replacing old light fixtures, outlets and switches. Your home’s power system—panel included—is incredibly valuable, as is your safety.