Storm damage can cause headaches for homeowners in the form of electrical equipment damage. Not only does this type of damage leave you with no electricity, it can also be an unexpected financial burden. However, by following the below tips, you can have electricity restored to your home in a safe and secure manner. 

1. Use caution!

If you see any electrical components that look out of place or wires that are down, exercise extreme caution. Don't touch anything that looks like it has been moved or damaged. You also need to keep pets and children away from any electrical components that have been damaged. 

2. Report any electrical damage

Your next step is to report the electrical damage to your local utility company. Call the number on your bill to report downed wires and/or electrical components that are out of place. 

3. Assess your home

If it is safe to do so, complete a thorough assessment of your home. Being sure to not touch any electrical components and exercising extreme caution, take a look at the perimeter of your home as well as each of its systems. It is probably best to avoid using a ladder to climb on the roof to evaluate damage in that manner. Instead, call a professional that has the equipment and expertise to safely do so. 

4. Look for electrical damage inside and out

So far, only exterior electrical damage has been mentioned here. Chances are that if you have any electrical damage inside your home, it will be pretty obvious. If you don't have any electricity at all, for example, you'll obviously know about it pretty quickly after the storm has passed. For a room or sections of a room that don't seem to be working correctly, first check your circuit breaker panel for any breakers that have been "tripped." This means that the breaker has moved from its regular active position to one that renders it inactive. Flip the breaker back to its "on" position, then back to the "off" position. In order to firmly reset the breaker, complete this process three times. If the breaker continues to flip back to the "off" position, contact a professional right away. 

Harrison Electrical Inc. uses its nearly 100 years of combined experience to provide the Twin Cities area with top quality electrical service. Contact them today for prompt and thorough storm damage repair.