When it comes to your home, it is natural to want the best. You want the best lawn and the best furniture. If you have an electrical problem following a severe storm, you want the best electrician. At years of experience in the industry, our team at Harrison Electric offers the best services in an around Minneapolis and Plymouth, so we want to help you avoid making mistakes when it comes to choosing an electrical professional.

Only Work with Licensed Professionals

Within the great state of Minnesota, professionals are required to have electrical licensed in order to install electrical wiring. Professionals are given these licenses after they have demonstrated that they understand the National Electrical Code (NEC). The Minnesota standard protects both you and the electrical professional. With knowledge of wiring, you get an electrical system that works and does not threaten your family’s safety. On the other hand, the electrician can safely install electrical wiring without jeopardizing his or her life.

Look for a Positive Attitude

Another important aspect you should consider is whether your licensed electrician has a positive attitude. Although having a positive attitude may seem irrelevant, it is not. A positive attitude will help your licensed electrician come to you whenever there is a problem. It will also make him or her feel comfortable addressing questions or concerns you have about your electrical system. When you hire a licensed electrician with a good positive attitude, you can rest assured knowing that his or her wiring is sound.

Make Sure the Quote Is Competitive

One of the complaints many homeowners make about searching for an electrician is the process of comparing quotes. In many cases, professional electricians offer quotes that are exactly clear, which may prevent homeowners from making a great comparison. To avoid this problem, homeowners must get quotes that detail the specifics of the work. Without doing so, you could get a quote that is higher, yet offers more, that you reject. Once you have all the quotes you need, make sure the electrician you choose is competitively priced.

At Harrison Electric, our goal is to be your one-stop-shop for your electrical problems. Whether you are rewiring your house or you have a short in a room, do not hesitate to give us a call.

If you need a quote or our 24-hour express service for a job that cannot wait, call us at 763-544-3300 or message us online, and we will get back to you quickly!