At Harrison-Electric, we understand how complicated your electrical system can be each day. Following a severe storm with strong winds can make matters worse for homeowners. We want you to know how to handle the situation so that you are not in harm’s way. The following are three tips for handling electrical damage following a severe storm.

Downed Power Lines

One of the many common problems people experience following a storm is downed power lines. A downed power line is when an electrical pole has fallen outside of your home or on your home. The problem is that most of these lines are still active, meaning they can shock you, even fatally. If you experience this, it’s important that you call 911 so that the immediate danger can be eliminated.

If a downed power line falls onto your home, then you should leave immediately. It is unsafe to be around a downed power line because you conduct electricity. You should attempt to move it with or without using something because you expose yourself to the possibility of being electrocuted.

Floods in Your Home

Another common problem people in low areas experience is flooding. Floods can be both outside and inside of your home. When flood waters come into your home, there is a great potential for danger. Many people with basements experience this, so it’s important to know how to handle your electrical system when you experience a flood.

Tip #1. Turn the power off at the circuit.

You want to make sure that there is no possibility of electrocution while you are getting rid of the water and eliminating your power supply to your home.

Tip #2. Don’t use appliances that have gotten wet.

Your appliances rely on your power supply. As a result, appliances, including washers and dryers, could pose a threat to your life. To be safe, do not use them until they are checked by a licensed electrician.

Tip #3. Contact a licensed electrician.

You should contact a licensed electrician as soon as possible. Their expertise will help you determine how severe your electrical damage is in the home. Once you have the green light from them, you can then restore power to your home.

At Harrison-Electric, we are your one source for all things electric. We want to help you remain safe before, during, and after a severe storm. If you are having problems with your electrical system, don’t hesitate to give us a call.