Are you absolutely certain your home is an electrical safe zone for your kids? Each year, approximately 100 precious little lives are lost to at-home electrocutions, simply because kids love to explore and play. As a parent, you can prevent your child from falling victim to the serious dangers of electricity by exercising caution and implementing the appropriate safety mechanisms.
At Harrison Electric, safety is our top priority, so if your home features any of the following hazards, our team is always here to help you find a safe solution.
1. Exposed Electrical Outlets
If you have children, your household electrical outlets should always be covered when they’re not in use — no ifs, ands, or buts. Kids don’t inherently know electrical outlets are dangerous, and because receptacles often exist within a child’s reach, they’re a prime target for exploration.
To eliminate this safety hazard from your home, you have a wide variety of options, some of which include:
● Inserting child proof electrical outlet plugs in any open outlets.
● Fitting childproof power strip covers over exposed surge protectors and power strips.
● Installing locking outlet covers over receptacles near the ground.
● Retrofitting your home with tamper-resistant outlets. A residential electrician can perform comprehensive outlet replacement, so you never need to worry about whether you forgot to cover a low-lying receptacle.
2. Overused Outlets
Another area to consider is the number of plugins you have going into an outlet. Power strips are highly beneficial, but if they become overloaded with multiple appliances hooked up to them.
There is a danger of an increase due to the design because each outlet only supplies a specific amount of power so using up each spot in the power strip may not be the best course of action. But if you have any concerns or questions about this, you can contact one of your local electricians to get professional service.
One way to help combat this is to ensure that you are spacing out your plugins far enough to reduce the amount of strain on the outlet while keeping it in a space out of reach of children.
3. Lightbulbs
A lightbulb being dangerous may not be something you have ever considered as a possible problem, but they do have defaults. Light bulbs are a source that can cause an electrical shock or even a fire in the right circumstances. The wiring inside of the glass can turn brittle due to too much heat, or there may be a problem with the infrastructure wiring inside of the bulb.
In either situation, this can become a hazard, so one way to keep your home and children safer is to check your light bulbs regularly and keep them covered away from small fingers and hands.
4. Defective or Old Power Cords
The next recommendation is to be aware of the health of your power cords. Like anything else, the cords will begin to break down over time, and if you have older wiring in the home, it could cause an issue.
If you find that you are not getting enough power or there is a burning smell or even warm spots on the wall, this needs to be addressed immediately and may need rewiring.
The main priority is ensuring that the cords are in the best condition possible and keeping an eye out for damage like fraying or broken spots. If you are still unsure but believe there may be an issue, it is recommended to contact a professional or replace the cord to keep your family and home safer.
5. Loose, Dangling Electrical Cords
These days, it seems just about everything requires a charge or an electrical source, which means it’s common to have multiple cords hanging around the house. Unfortunately, loose, dangling cords present significant safety hazards to your little ones that aren’t only electrical in nature. If your child yanks on a loose cord, he or she may not be aware that something is attached to the other end, and unfortunately, accidental injuries often ensue.
To help reduce your children’s risk of injury from falling objects and electrical shock, consider implementing these safety measures:
● Use cord shorteners and wire organizers to tidy up loose cords and keep them contained.
● Try taping loose cords to the floor.
● Hide cords behind large, immovable pieces of furniture.
● Use duct cord covers that sit flush with your floor to keep multiple cords contained.
6. Electric Appliances Near Water Sources
Young children love to explore and tinker with the household items that Mom and Dad use frequently. After all, if Mom and Dad touch it, it must be perfectly safe, right? Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. You and your spouse might exercise care around electricity and water, but your kids aren’t aware that water and electrical appliances don’t mix.
Even if you educate your kids on the dangers of electricity, that education may not be enough to protect them from harm. When your toaster looks like a super fun toy, in the excitement of the moment, that safety education evaporates right out of their adorable little heads. If your kids are constantly reaching for small household gadgets that you might store near your sinks — like toasters, hairdryers, curling irons, and the like — it’s best to keep those items out of sight.
If, however, you prefer to store them on the counter for easy access, make sure you unplug your appliances when you’re not using them. Coil each cord and secure it with a rubber band or Velcro fastener to prevent your kids from fiddling with it. It’s also a smart idea to insert outlet covers whenever your appliances are unplugged.
Harrison Electric: Residential Electrical Service in the Twin Cities
At Harrison Electric, electrical safety is our number one priority, so if your home contains electrical features that require replacement or upgrades, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We specialize in rewiring and upgrades, outlet replacement, home electrical troubleshooting, and a wide variety of other services to ensure your home remains well-protected from electrical hazards.
To learn more about how we can help you make your home as safe as possible, feel free to give our team a call at 763-544-3300 or reach out to us on our contact page. For your convenience, you can also schedule your service appointment online!