Installing new lighting seems like a pretty easy job, but if you don't have the right experience, you can accidentally end up with injuries and a dangerous wiring job. There are many reasons that unexpected hazards can arise, so it's easy for homeowners to end up making errors that licensed electricians would know how to avoid. Here are some of the things that make it worth it to get a professional to update your lighting fixtures or add new ones:

Grounding isn't Always Straightforward

This is especially true if you have an older house that was wired according to codes that are now obsolete. You may find that your new lighting fixture is made with the expectation of more or fewer wires than the original bundle (in the wall) provides. What do you do then? A Harrison Electric electrician knows the correct and safe answer.

Other problems with grounding include figuring out where to attach the ground wire when there isn't already an obvious, safe place. Many fire and shock hazards arise from mistakes in this area. A mistake can electrify your faucets or make your gas lines red hot. This is why it's best to let an electrician handle this task.

Your Old Wiring May be Brittle

If you try to wind old wires around the connectors of a new fixture, you may get the unpleasant surprise of having it fall apart into little chips. This happens because wiring oxidizes as it ages. An electrician will be able to install new, pliable wires when needed. For a homeowner, the same work not only requires a special trip to the hardware store, but also figuring out how to wall fish the new wires all the way to the breaker box. This is a hugely frustrating and time-consuming job for the unprepared.

It's Easier to Hire a Professional

Even if you have all of the needed knowledge, you likely don't have all of the tools to make the job easy. Alternatively, you may simply not want to deal with it. Hiring a professional is always the easiest and most convenient way to get a job done right.

To have your new lighting installed by a real residential electrician, just contact us here at Harrison Electric in Plymouth, MN. We'll be glad to take on this project.