If you’re thinking about upgrading your old ceiling fans or adding ceiling fans to your new home, there are some fan options you should consider. Not all ceiling fans are made the same, as some have additional features.

Once you’ve picked out your ceiling fan, Harrison Electric can install it for you. We can install the fans according to building codes and manufacturer specifications. Contact us today to schedule an installation.

Below are four ceiling fan features you should consider.

The Motor Power and Blade Size

The motor is an essential component of a ceiling fan. For this reason, you should invest in fans that have premium fan motors. It will ensure that your product will last a long time. The higher the fan pitch, the higher the distribution of air. If you have a larger room, you’ll want a fan with a powerful motor and a high fan pitch.

Matching Your Interior Design

Although you want your fan to be highly functional, you also want it to look nice in the room.

A fan can enhance a room design by accenting the décor or adding a new visual. It's your opportunity to get a little creative by installing a fan that has an innovative design and a stunning appearance.

Customize Your Favorite Components

Since ceiling fans have a lot to offer, you should purchase a custom fan and have it custom installed by a Harrison Electric technician. If you need a ceiling fan replacement, we can remove the old fan and set the new ceiling fan in place.

When looking at fan possibilities, we recommend you consider options such as remote controls, ceiling fan light kits, and decorative ceiling medallions, as well as finishes for the motor and the fan blades.

The Lighting Configuration

Don’t overlook using the fan as a lighting source for your home. Many fans either come with an integrated light kit or have a light kit available as an option. The kit can add a considerable amount of light to the room as well as set a particular mood. After we install the ceiling fan, we recommend you purchase energy-saving light bulbs with a softer shade that works in almost any room.

Schedule a Ceiling Fan Installation for Your Home

When you’re ready to install your ceiling fan, then contact Harrison Electric. Our Minnesota-certified technicians have the experience and training necessary to mount any ceiling fan in any room in the house.

We specialize in electrical repairs, installation, and full electrical system replacement. To schedule an installation, call us at 763-544-3300, or you can message us at mail@harrison-electric.com. We are the Minneapolis and St. Paul premier electrical company.