If your house is more than 30 years old, you may have some faulty components in it. Old wiring parts are a safety hazard that can lead to a fire. Harrison Electric can inspect your home to din any areas where there may be a threat of fire. We can also look at any of your fixture or appliances to make sure they're wired properly. Below are key components we look at.
Faulty Wall Receptacles or Appliances
Damaged wall receptacles are what cause most fires. If you combine a bad outlet with an old appliance, you get an electrical surge or inhibit the flow of current. In either case, the situation can start a fire at the point of connection. A Harrison Electric electrician can replace your old receptacle with newer units that prevent fires from taking place by cutting off the electrical flow when a surge happens.
Old Light Fixtures
Do you have any damaged or outdated light fixtures that you are using around the house? Many of them cannot handle the demands of today’s electrical system. For example, do you have some old lamps that are housing bulbs with high wattage? Is your old chandelier equipped with wiring that has a capacity that is too low for the new house? Our skilled electrical contractors can rewire any of your antique electrical fixtures or replace your old ceiling fans to bring them into the modern age.
Extension Cords
Before you plug anything into an extension, find out what it’s maximum capacity is. It’s also better to use a shorter extension cord than a longer one, because there is less electrical flow going from the wall to the appliance. A residential electrician from Harrison Electric can help you choose the right cords and match them with any of your electronics or appliances.
Floor or Space Heater
Portable heaters (also known as a space heater, floor heater, or ceramic heaters) are designed to be used safely. Many homeowners, however, place them too close to items that can catch on fire. Keep your space heater away from curtains, beds, chairs, couches, or rugs. You should place heaters and their cords on hard surfaces such as wood or tile floors to keep all electrical current away from flammable material.
Outdated Wiring
If your home is over 30 years old, you should schedule an electrical wiring inspection with Harrison Electric. We can analyze every component of your wiring to see if there are any deficiencies. As technology becomes more advanced, the needs in your home change. If the wiring in the electrical system cannot handle it, then a fire could break out due to the surge in power. We can replace your entire wiring system and have it updated for your advanced electronics and appliances.
Harrison Electronic Are Your Certified Residential Electricians
To avoid a fire in your home, contact Harrison Electric today. We provide a wide range of electrical services for residential properties in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. You can count on us when you need your system repaired, a circuit breaker fixed, or a ceiling fan replaced. To schedule an inspection or repair, call us at 763-544-3300, or you can message us at mail@harrison-electric.com.